Handling of personal data in accordance with GDPR
There is no real personal data on this demo site, but the following may serve as an example.
If a person requests to have information attributable to him or her removed, this must be done as soon as possible.
If an editor requests to have content authored by him or her or to have his or her user registration removed, this must be done as soon as possible.
The site is subject to strict requirements for sensitive personal information such as:
- Information on race or ethnic origin
- Political, religious or philosophical beliefs
- Trade union affiliation
- Health information
- Information about sexual relations and orientation
- Information on criminal offenses
These are under no circumstances allowed in publications or in emails.
Editors are also encouraged to avoid all personally identifiable information.
This page is hosted by the provider simply.com. A data processor agreement has been entered into with simply.com based on the following documents:
Søren Dalby, owner of Dalby Data V/Søren Dalby (CVR-nummer 14275932), is the data controller for this site. A security copy of the database and media files are regularly transferred to a personal One-Drive and laptop.
Søren Dalby can not act as a data processor for a customer solution. Companies like simply.com have the necessary framework agreements.